
SUV SOB Lyrics

Here's the b***** truth -
The Gulf war's on again
It's blood for oil
- don't be fooled!
Then the shocking news
Fake patriots here don't care
And buy new cars that guzzle fuel
You could be subject to:
Global Warming
Funding Terror
Oil Dependence

But it's your first car
You want it big and bad
It defines just who you really are
And you don't care it's all you
You're not a trucker
You don't need a rig to
Drive to school
We have been subject to:
Gulf War Syndrome
White House Denial
Soldiers Dying

Because it's fashionable
We drive a car this size
Meanwhile the Gulf War grunt
Dies right before our eyes
We will be subject to:
Halliburton New World Order
John Ashcroft & the Patriot Act

I am a creep who drives a Jeep
And I go beep, beep, beep
Oh, what a b**mer
I'm in my Hummer
I'm just so dumb and dumber
I'm such a loser
Gross overuser
In my Suburban Cruiser

With White House approval...
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