
Montague Terrace (In Blue) Lyrics

The little clock's stopped ticking now
We're swallowed in the stomached rue
The only sound to tear the night
Comes from the man upstairs
His bloated belching figure stomps
He may crash through the ceiling soon
The window sees trees cry from cold
And claw the moon

But we know don't we
And we'll dream won't we
Of Montague Terrace in blue

The girl across the hall makes love
Her thoughts lay cold like shattered stone
Her thighs are full of tales to tell
Of all the nights she's known

Your eyes ignite like cold blue fire
The scent of secrets everywhere
A fist filled with illusions
Clutches all our cares
But we know don't we
And we'll dream won't we
Of Montague Terrace in blue oh in blue

El pequeño reloj parado marcando la actualidad
We're swallowed in the stomached rue Estamos ingestión en la rue estómago
The only sound to tear the night El único sonido al traste la noche
Comes from the man upstairs Viene el hombre de arriba

His bloated belching figure stomps Su hinchado eructos cifra stomps
He may crash through the ceiling soon Él puede bloquearse a través del techo de p***to
The window sees trees cry from cold La ventana ve los árboles grito de frío
And claw the moon Garra y la luna
But we know don't we Pero sabemos que no estamos
And we'll dream won't we Y nosotros nos encargaremos de sueño no estamos
Of Montague Terrace in blue Terraza de Montague en azul

The girl across the hall makes love La niña a través de la sala hace el amor
Her thoughts lay cold like shattered stone Sus pensamientos sentar fría como la piedra destrozada
Her thighs are full of tales to tell Sus muslos están llenos de cuentos para decirle
Of all the nights she's known De todas las noches que ha conocido

Your eyes ignite like cold blue fire Sus ojos fríos como encender fuego azul
The scent of secrets everywhere El aroma de los secretos de todo el mundo
A fist filled with illusions Un puño lleno de ilusiones
Clutches all our cares Embragues todos nuestros cuidados

But we know don't we Pero sabemos que no estamos
And we'll dream won't we Y nosotros nos encargaremos de sueño no estamos
Of Montague Terrace in blue oh in blue Terraza de Montague en azul oh en azul
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