Sanatorium Lyrics

Celebration of Exhumation
  1. Desecrated - Decapitated (A Hymn to Monika D.)
  2. Human Trophies
  3. Fetus Rape
  4. A Pile of Skulls
  5. Violent Intercourse
  6. Shapeless and Decomposed
  7. Born Dead
Goresoaked Reincarnation
  1. Intro
  2. In Capture of Necrophile Visions
  3. Goresoaked Reincarnation
  4. Consumption of Remnants of a Miscarriage
  5. Deeds of Pedophile
  6. Putrification of Soul Through Disfiguration of Body
  7. Outro
Internal Womb Cannibalism
  1. Symptoms/ (intro)
  2. Postmortal Gorephobia
  3. Killing
  4. The False Prophet
  5. Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy
  6. Dunwich Morgue
  7. Internal Womb Cannibalism
  8. Final Goremageddon/ (outro)