
Ala Bi Dhikrika Lyrics

ألا بذكر الله

ألا بذكرِكَ قلبي يطمئنُّ وهلْ
بغيرِ ذكرِكَ قلبُ المرءِ يرتاحُ
فأنتَ مُبدعُ هذا الكونِ أجْمَعِهِ وأنتَ خالقُ منْ جاؤا ومنْ راحوا
وأولٌ أنتَ قَبلَ القَبلِ منْ أزلٍ بالكافِ والنونِ يارباهُ فتّاحُ
ونورُ وجهِكَ بعدَ البَعدِ في أبدٍ يبقى جليلاً كريماً وهو وَضّاحُ
Without doubt, it is in Your remembrance
that my heart finds tranquility
and does a person's heart find rest except
in Your remembrance?

For You are The Creator of the entire universe,
and You are The Creator of all those who have been
here and all those who have departed.

You are Light upon Light, to Whom go down in
their prostration of love bodies and souls.
For You are The First, before all befores,
in the whole creation;
the Opener of all with the Kaf and Noon letters.

And the Light of Your Face, after all afters,
till Eternity,
foreever remains Sublime and Generous,
whilst always Brilliant.

Most Compassionate, Merciful, Bestower of Blessings
Generous, The Source of Peace, All-Knowing
Most Glorious.
There is no god except ALLAH.
Forgiver, Most Beautiful, The Giver of all
Gentle, Accepter of Repentance, All-Hearing
There is no god except Him.

Unique, The Omnipotent, The Giver of Life,
The Taker of Life, The Manifest One, The Hidden One
The All-Rich.
There is no god except ALLAH.

There is no god except ALLAH!
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Salaam (2012)
Happiness Salaam Smile The Source Dryer Land It's a Game To Guide You Home Forgotten Promises Ala Bi Dhikrika I'm Your Hope All I Need Hear Your Call Wherever You Are (acoustic) Without You (acoustic) To Guide You Home (instrumental)