
Struggle against betrayal Lyrics

I kill myself
I pour my rotten blood on you.
Cry for you.
I hate you making a fool of me.
I want to murder you decieving me.
Let a restrained tangle loose.
I don't want to hear the excuse.
I already got tired of hearing the falsehood.
I'm drownd, and nothing looks sorrowful.
My heartless instinct makes darkness.
What is the thing which can save me
who was about to be broken?
Betrayal (f*** off)
Can you hear my pains and crys?
The reality gives me fear cruelly.

I pray with all my malice.
Disturb... disturb...
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キミノミタイモノ 躯〜mukuro〜 愛の罠 METEOR flavor of blood tear drop Rosario-ロザリオ- Struggle against betrayal プレイガール Rain fall 哀しみの賛歌