
Twins Lyrics

I only have the opportunity to glimpse a stretcher bearing a form covered in a white cloth. At least, it should have been white... Dear god, no... It seems that the walls past which the stretcher was carried became crimson, pouring more agony into this place. "Get out of here!!" It's my father, not dead yet, my mother is already dead. A "nurse" will not let me into room 11. I demand to see the baby. The nurse leaves, and returns with two, one in the crook of each arm. "Which is it?" I cry! The nurse babbles: "She was a very courageous woman but her body simply couldn't cope with giving birth to twins..." "Twins??".
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Chronophobia (1999)
...But All Has Changed My Isolation No Rejuvenation Chronophobia Room Eleven Twins Like a Wicker Man That Will Never Burn ! Overwhelming Lethargy (Somewhere Inside a World of Ice) Machinations Strange Impulse [untitled]