
Multiverse Lyrics

Do you ever think how your life could end at any second?
Oh no, oh no, you think you'll live forever

It's just so arrogant how we live our lives
As though we're essential and count for something
We behave in total disrespect of the fact we're always on the edge
Of existence and nothing
Time is a mortar and pestle slowly wearing down my bones
I soon will turn to dust underneath the roots and stones

You take all of my time like I have so much to give
You waste all of my time like I get more than one life to live
We think we're the ones that matter that this is the significant place
Vaguely content with our delusions-- to never look death in the face
Our lives are filled with trivial bullshit, and we talk like it's a special grace
Many die from war or disease in lands far away
Still we think our first world problems are worth the time to pray
You're not the center of the universe
I'm not the center of the universe
Addicted to glowing rectangles we sit idly devoid of passion
Losing our time as it flies by while we keep up with the Kardashians

Answer the question for yourself: What is the purpose of my being?
You must decide the meaning.
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LMNTS (2012)