
Denial of Death Lyrics

Kept away from the mirror for a quarter century
A handful of dirt and mouthful of worms reveal my destiny
Obstructed in the pursuit of infinite expansion
Repressions protect from harsh truths
Flight from reality,
Freedom from passive contingency
Look on as history's heroes are slaughtered and we feebly reconstruct
Forsake agape to invest in eros,
Swelling demoniac rage

The god of the atheists
Shepherd drawing the wayward flock
Spires that pierce the heaves
Forever unbound from biological clock

Impregnate every succubus and
Burn the flag I used to wave
Can I fulfill self-regeneration
In sending my father to his grave?
Reprobate only ambition the endless dynasty I crave
Can I fulfill self-regeneration
In sending my father to his grave?
Enthrone myself the king of the anarchists
Lead an army through genocidal campaigns
Stomp through foreign roads
Erecting monuments that put Lincoln and Lenin to shame

Exiled from Eden, I'll still ration the forbidden fruit
As the eagle feasts on my liver, I'll share the warmth of stolen fire with you

Death will kneel to kiss my feet to make time stand still is my vow
Causa sui project spills from my lips, I need to be your 'Thou'
Submerged, negated, humbled and castrated until now
Causa sui project spills from my lips, I need to be your 'Thou'
Quaking beneath the burden of humanity winding down,
the delicate flowers once in full bloom are going to wilt & brown
Denial will not change the facts nor distinction nor renown,
the delicate flowers, now in full bloom are going to wilt & brown
Death will kneel to kiss my feet to make time stand still is my vow
Causa sui project spills from my lips, I need to be your 'Thou'
Submerged, negated, humbled and castrated until now
Causa sui project spills from my lips, I need to be your 'Thou'

Fears eclipsed by the tide, ephemeral ecstasy
The corpulent crows, the trail of dead souls preserve this legacy
Elegy unto the stardust successor
Unveiled the vital lie
Anyone can play god, yet death won't be denied.
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LMNTS (2012)