'S fhada, 's fhada, an ceòl bha cho binn
'S a' ghirian a' dh'èirich air mo chridhe
Guth nam eun gar dùsgadh bho chadal, àillidh, ciuin
Moch is deiseil 'son an t-slighe
And I'm still dreaming of the Hebrides
And I'm still leaning on the early years
And I can't help feeling it will always be
The story of the life inside of me
Achadh abaich, eòrna 's seagal 'fàs
Loch nan ealachan aig tàmh
B' e siud an dealbh a dh'fhan fad an
t-samhraidh sin dhuinn
'S gach uile samhradh eile a dh'fhalbh
And I'm still dreaming of the Hebrides ...
'S mi an-diugh a' streap beanntan àrd nam bliadhn'
Le gach smàl is sgaradh air an t-saoghal
Ach thig le cinnt là na h-aiseirigh dhuinn
Mar a thàinig là a chiad-fhairich mi do ghaol
And I'm still dreaming of the Hebrides ...
The story, the story, the story
The story, the story, the story
So long ago, long ago, the music that was so melodious
And the sun that rose on my heart
The voice of the birds awakening us from the sleep of peace
Early and prepared for the journey
A ripening field, the barley and rye growing
The loch of swans in stillness
That was the image that stayed with us that summer
And every other summer that's since gone
But now I'm climbing the high mountain of years
With each blemish and schism coming on the world
But the day of renewal will come with certainty
Just like the day when I first felt your love
'S a' ghirian a' dh'èirich air mo chridhe
Guth nam eun gar dùsgadh bho chadal, àillidh, ciuin
Moch is deiseil 'son an t-slighe
And I'm still dreaming of the Hebrides
And I'm still leaning on the early years
And I can't help feeling it will always be
The story of the life inside of me
Achadh abaich, eòrna 's seagal 'fàs
Loch nan ealachan aig tàmh
B' e siud an dealbh a dh'fhan fad an
t-samhraidh sin dhuinn
'S gach uile samhradh eile a dh'fhalbh
And I'm still dreaming of the Hebrides ...
'S mi an-diugh a' streap beanntan àrd nam bliadhn'
Le gach smàl is sgaradh air an t-saoghal
Ach thig le cinnt là na h-aiseirigh dhuinn
Mar a thàinig là a chiad-fhairich mi do ghaol
And I'm still dreaming of the Hebrides ...
The story, the story, the story
The story, the story, the story
So long ago, long ago, the music that was so melodious
And the sun that rose on my heart
The voice of the birds awakening us from the sleep of peace
Early and prepared for the journey
A ripening field, the barley and rye growing
The loch of swans in stillness
That was the image that stayed with us that summer
And every other summer that's since gone
But now I'm climbing the high mountain of years
With each blemish and schism coming on the world
But the day of renewal will come with certainty
Just like the day when I first felt your love