
Faileas air an Airigh Lyrics

Tha faileas air an airigh
Faileas air an airigh
Tha 'n long a-muigh 'ceann a bhaigh
Air madainn cheitean trath
Tha grian ar cuimhne ag eiridh
Grian ar cuimhne ag eiridh
A' siubhal sraidean duthaich ghalld'
Tro bhailtean saoghal chein

Tha'm feasgar cuin 's na siantan blath
Tha grian 's an iar mar mheall de'n or
An cuan mar sgathan gorm gun sgleo
Is bu mhor mo mhian bhi 'n uibhist leat

Togaidh sinn ar fonn an ard
Togaidh sinn ar fonn an ard
`s ged' tha mi fada bhuat
Cha dhealaich sinn a' chaoidh

There's a shadow on the sheiling
A shadow on the sheiling
The ship is waiting
At the head of the bay
Early on a may morning

The sun of our memory is rising
The sun of our memory is rising
Walking the streets of foreign countries
And the cities of another era
The evening is calm and the skies are warm
The sun is in the west, a great ball of gold
The ocean is like a mirror, blue without blemish
And great is my desire to be in uist with you

We will lift up our voices
We will lift up our voices
Although I am now so far from you
We will never sever
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