Call me blind but I can't see the glory
Behind that b***** flag
Don't identify my family
My mates, my fight or my neighbourhood
All it means to me that coloured rag
People in jail or six feet under the ground
Dirty politicians, military and cops
Are enough reasons to make it burn
Flag on fire
Let's burn that s***** rag
I don't wanna hear one more word
About the nations pride of this s***hole
Red for the blood, yellow for the lies
What a disgrace what they did to this land
All it means to me that coloured rag
Murders that began five centuries ago
A crown that steals a government that kills
Are enough reasons to make it burn
Flag on fire
Let's burn that s***** rag
And we still won't believe in
No one or nothing who represents it
Behind that b***** flag
Don't identify my family
My mates, my fight or my neighbourhood
All it means to me that coloured rag
People in jail or six feet under the ground
Dirty politicians, military and cops
Are enough reasons to make it burn
Flag on fire
Let's burn that s***** rag
I don't wanna hear one more word
About the nations pride of this s***hole
Red for the blood, yellow for the lies
What a disgrace what they did to this land
All it means to me that coloured rag
Murders that began five centuries ago
A crown that steals a government that kills
Are enough reasons to make it burn
Flag on fire
Let's burn that s***** rag
And we still won't believe in
No one or nothing who represents it