
The Road of Creation Lyrics

One free spirit,
one free soul
one free mind,
one last goal hit the road,
leave my home i'm on my way
all alone
Come i show you the road of creation
burn myself up, sooner or later
free is my mind as i am alone
rising again all on my own
I cannot follow someone else
i have to seek the way to myself
find my strength, escape my yoke
i will create myself a god

I want to dream
without having to sleep
climbing too high for your eyes,
a new horizon to see
I want to be sated
without needing to eat
creating my own good and bad
and call myself free
A bridge between day and night,
Up and down, left and right
The link between what we do and play
The higher form, the human race
I understand the way of creation
burn yourself up, sooner or later i understand why you're alone rising again all on your own
I want to dream
without having to sleep
climbing too high for your eyes,
a new horizon to see
I want to be sated
without needing to eat
creating my own good and bad
and call myself free
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Beyond Man and Time (2012)
Transformed We Are What We Are (The Keeper) Beyond Man and Time (The Blind) Unchain the Earth (The Scientist) The Ugliest Man in the World (The Ugly) The Road of Creation (The Creator) Somewhere in Between (The Dream of Saying Yes) The Shadow The Wise in the Desert The Fisherman The Noon (The Eternal Moment of Return) Vorvorwort Vorwort Verwandelt Wir sind wer wir sind Jenseits von Mensch und Zeit Löst die Ketten der Erde Der hässlichste Mensch Der Weg des Erschaffens Irgendwo zwischen den Welten Der Schatten Der Weise in der Wüste Der Fischer Der Mittag Pre-Preface Preface Transformed We Are What We Are Beyond Man and Time Unchain the Earth The Ugliest Man The Road of Creation Somewhere in Between The Shadow The Wise in the Desert The Fisherman The Noon