
Desert Island Lyrics

[intro: F G Am
Am G F]

Gonna paint my room like a desert island
F Am G F
With yellow sands and blue lagoon
F Am G F
Invite you all to come and live there - one afternoon
F Am G
It'll be when no one's looking - more likely than not
F Am G F Am G F
We'll close the door and turn the sky up - find a good spot
F Am G

Air-fire-water-Earth - you were paradise
C Bb
I'm sorry 'bout me
Am G
I was under the impression that you were free and easy
F Am G F C'
Free and easy
F C'
[solo - sorry no transcription available]

[this verse same as the former one unless shifted]
Gonna paint my room like a desert island

Clear skies and rising swell
Beneath the clouds on the jaded horizon

In warm streets of hell

I must say goodbye to the blindfold, and pursue the ideal

The Planet becoming the hostess, instead of the meal


Free and easy
F C'
Free and easy...
C' Bb'
Report lyrics
Garden of Uranium/Descendants of Smith (1988)