
Flower of the Briar Lyrics

To hear your voice, to see you smile
To sit and talk to you awhile
To be together the same old way
That would be our greatest wish today
To hear you laugh, to hear you cry
Or just a chance to say 'goodbye'
To say the things we didn't say
That would be our greatest wish today
But all we can do is throw a flower on the water
Look for the sun through the rain
Lay a little frangipani gentle on the water
Remember how we loved you

To comb your hair, to lace your shoes
Buy some flowers, let you choose
A phone call when you're away
Just to see if you're okay
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The Merry Band's Farewell Concert at McCabe's (1997)
Wassail Her Scattered Gold By Weary Well The Woodcutter's Song Flower of the Briar The Legend Five Denials on Merlin's Grave Cadgers on the Cannongate (Medley of Scottish Reels)