The Fire of the Dove
Ah! Jehanne, Jehanne!
...valde beatus fuisti c** Verbum Dei te in
igne columbe imbuit.
(ubi tu quasi aurora illuminatus es...)
...valde beatus fuisti c** Verbum Dei te in
igne columbe imbuit.
Ah! Joan, Joan!
Oh! were greatly blessed when the Word
of God steeped you in the fire of the dove.
(where you were illumined like the dawn...) were greatly blessed when the Word
of God steeped you in the fire of the dove.
(St. Hildegard of Bingen)
Ah! Jehanne, Jehanne!
...valde beatus fuisti c** Verbum Dei te in
igne columbe imbuit.
(ubi tu quasi aurora illuminatus es...)
...valde beatus fuisti c** Verbum Dei te in
igne columbe imbuit.
Ah! Joan, Joan!
Oh! were greatly blessed when the Word
of God steeped you in the fire of the dove.
(where you were illumined like the dawn...) were greatly blessed when the Word
of God steeped you in the fire of the dove.
(St. Hildegard of Bingen)