Dominus condit sibi unum ignem dicendo
sic: «vides hunc ignem; qualiter totam
materiam et substantiam lignorum convertit
in suam naturam, eodem modo natura
divinitatis convertit in se animas quas sibi
(Na Prous Boneta)
Rex noster promptus est
suscipere sanguinem innocentum.
Sed nubes super eundem sanguinem
Unde angeli concinunt
et in laudibus sonant.
Gloria Patri et Filio
et Spiritui sancto.
Rex noster promptus est
Suscipere sanguinem innocentum.
Sed nubes super eundem sanguinem
(St. Hildegard of Bingen)
Jehanne, Jehanne!
The Lord made for her a fire, saying: "You
see this fire; as it changes all the matter and
substance of wood into its own nature,
even so, Divine Nature changes into itself
the souls it wants for itself..."
(Na Prous Boneta)
Our king is swift
to receive the blood of innocents.
But over the same blood the clouds
are grieving.
Hence the angels sing
and resound in praises
Glory to the Father, The Son and The
Holy Ghost.
Our king is swift
to receive the blood of innocents.
But over the same blood the clouds
are grieving.
(St. Hildegard of Bingen)
Joan, Joan!
sic: «vides hunc ignem; qualiter totam
materiam et substantiam lignorum convertit
in suam naturam, eodem modo natura
divinitatis convertit in se animas quas sibi
(Na Prous Boneta)
Rex noster promptus est
suscipere sanguinem innocentum.
Sed nubes super eundem sanguinem
Unde angeli concinunt
et in laudibus sonant.
Gloria Patri et Filio
et Spiritui sancto.
Rex noster promptus est
Suscipere sanguinem innocentum.
Sed nubes super eundem sanguinem
(St. Hildegard of Bingen)
Jehanne, Jehanne!
The Lord made for her a fire, saying: "You
see this fire; as it changes all the matter and
substance of wood into its own nature,
even so, Divine Nature changes into itself
the souls it wants for itself..."
(Na Prous Boneta)
Our king is swift
to receive the blood of innocents.
But over the same blood the clouds
are grieving.
Hence the angels sing
and resound in praises
Glory to the Father, The Son and The
Holy Ghost.
Our king is swift
to receive the blood of innocents.
But over the same blood the clouds
are grieving.
(St. Hildegard of Bingen)
Joan, Joan!