
Deux Heures de Soleil Lyrics

che confondono
meschine strategie
Luci al neon
che guardano
(oh, yeah!)

Fitti boschi, praterie
bruschi muri, raffinerie
arti inerti, statici
come rifiuti tossici

What's the weather like today?
on nous donne deux heures de soleil
What is the weather like today?
on nous donne deux heures de soleil

che non tollero
civile economia
Luci al neon
(oh, yeah!)

Mari aperti senza fine
irti muri di confine

What's the weather like today?
on nous donne deux heures de soleil
What is the weather like today?
on nous donne deux heures de soleil
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Rospo (1999)
Kristo sì! Rospo Nero vivo Zapping Sogni o bisogni? Tradimento Deux Heures de Soleil Momento morto Heroes We Want Bianchi Kristo sì! (Vocal Drum Slow Dub version)