
Stolen Freedom Lyrics

In a world of god's plans there is no dishonesty
In a world of god's imagination, there is no place for theft
Is it true? I don't think so
On the one hand - mind and free will
On the other - 10 commands
You can do everything as you wish
Just see if it is not forbidden
You can live as a rational man
But you sin, when you break decalogue

If you like to live like that
Choose your god and his deadly religion
Without any pleasures, without any dreams
Being led like cattle!!
What happend to our freedom? It's just a catchword!!!
So where is it? Where is the freedom? Was it a robbery?
In devious way, evil thieves of freedom, with golden goblets
They want to control lives of stupid which fell into trap

Divine scum
Thieves of life
Thiefes of freedom
Fall'em down
In a word of..

How will you feel if after death
You realize there is no supernatural being
No judgment, neither reward nor punishment
You were robbed out of pleasures and dreams

Remember, you won't have second chance
Get rid of orders, and rules of god
it is a simple theft of your dreams
Priests want it just for themselves!!!
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The Eleventh: Thou Shalt Be My Slave (2006)
Intro Rules of Slavery Stolen Freedom Miserable Existence Hidden Under Sanctity Bad Monk Natural Born Enemies Your Master - Your God Liberation Nothing He Can Do Everlusting Far from Truth Forbidden Extasy Rape