
Miserable Existence Lyrics

(They say) world belongs to the Lord
Do we know the aim of humanity?
Aren't we worth of getting pleasure from our existance?
Isn't it money, that gives us the possibility?
Look out for sect of treacherous catholics
The think exactly the same as you
But they are too lazy to work honestly
They'd prefer wealth to come without pain
Don't listen to words they tell you
They say if one wants to be in heaven
One must get rid of all wordly goods collected
Couse they are obstacles on path to salvation

Don't get ensnared by this tricky method
Thanks to your gifts, they benefit
They tell us to be blind to all wealth
To tel them hide it in their pouches

(They say) World belongs...
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The Eleventh: Thou Shalt Be My Slave (2006)
Intro Rules of Slavery Stolen Freedom Miserable Existence Hidden Under Sanctity Bad Monk Natural Born Enemies Your Master - Your God Liberation Nothing He Can Do Everlusting Far from Truth Forbidden Extasy Rape