
Long Sleeves in the Summer Lyrics

in the deep dark forest of sweden,
where the kids are bleeding
for no obvious reason
back up vocals tenor diamond
bang the piano squeeze the beat out the drummer this ain't your average hiphop, it got no Keys to the hummer no prostitutes, glocks that shoot it deals with the younger generation on medication to shut out the sleeping and hunger she needs the pain - her weary arms need to get number scarred so bad she's wearing long sleeves in the summer people wouldn't know what to say so she feels she should cover the shame inflicted by livin in the greediest c**ture man, who wouldn't be disgusted by all the meat and the b***er? you could say she's reluctant to eat cus her mother it wouldn't be the whole truth gotta dig deep in the under people fail to realise what I speak on when I utter:
generation after generation A
are being sacrificed
slaughtered on the altar
of a massive lie
play the piano for the innocent children growing up being bombarded with an image of women so sick and twisted and it's mirrored within them because we're celebrating death as the ideal way of living it's so backwards round here - man I ain't even kidclin' she's trapped in her body tryin to fly out from her prison too close to the sun quickly brought back to the harsh reality burned by the cold fire of this world's mentality father could you tell me why she's starvin herself please tell me why she's so hard on herself she's walkin this earth wearin the scars of our hell carved in the flesh of her arms and what next? I don't know what good talkin will do and if puttm her pain in a song will help, but I can't go on cus the words gettin blurred in front of my eyes as the teal's start to burn this ain't a song it's a cry
for generations after generations that are being sacrificed I tell you slaughtered on the altar of a massive lie
cus how you expect me to explain to my little sis when she use her brain ain't no interest they pick her apart till all that remains is a c******* media keep telling her to change to some bigger t*** tellin' her to shut her mouth - paint - and to fix her lips but her smile's a little strained while she slit her wrist because she hates what her belly is that's why we resist and can't get a bit of rest
cus generation after generation are being sacrificed slaughtered on the altar of a massive lïe
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