
Wow Lyrics

Hello, How R U?

U R looking so fine, No?, Its true
Remember the time we first met?
U think that was good, U ain't seen nothing yet!
Like a bee to some honey, a moth to a flame
Got an addiction, and you got me to blame
U never saw it coming, Cause I made no claim - Till now

U can call it the unexpected or you can call it - WOW!
U can call It, call it - WOW!
U can call it, call it, call it - WOW!
U can call it the unexpected or you can call it, call it, call it, call it - WOW!

I don't know, what came over me
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Plectrumelectrum (2014)
Wow Pretzelbodylogic Aintturninround Plectrumelectrum Whitecaps Fixurlifeup Boytrouble Stopthistrain Anotherlove Tictactoe Marz Funknroll