
Armageddon Blues Lyrics

progression has ceased.
we've doomed ourselves.
armageddon blues cuz i can't fool myself.
and though we'd like to pretend that we have the choice to shape the world without paying the price.
but our petty obsessions are the least of our transgressions,
we've raped the land for power and possession.
two thousand years and all we'll have is a planetary toxic deathbed.
we're not blind, we just lost the vision. as the sun remains unrisen, sewn seeds can never come to fruition. and so the soul remains undriven.
this soul remains undriven.
you cannot stop the hands of time, you can't break its wrists because we ignored the signs.
in the final hour i'll do what i can, despite the futile attempts to stop a violent end.
after all, in all that we've done do you really think we deserve forgiveness? no.
light for humanity is looking dim, if there's a god we've surely displaced him.
existence unfiltered, we took the gift of life only to burn it in return. haunting reality, apocalyptic end is guaranteed.
chemical dawn, come on and bring it on.
find solace in the warmth of nuclear fog, and let your armageddon blues turn to bliss.
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