Doctrine of expiation, realization of death
Mind blackout, loss of the creator's image
The sacrifice as a payment for the sins of mankind
Helplessly suffering on a cross before aggressive crowd
Senseless suicide or the way to rescue?
Internal contradiction of the idea of self-sacrifice
Generates doubts about the opportunity of following it
The law after execution - what is its sense, what is its essence?
To observe human fidelity to revel in fear
Of the flock intimidated to death
The law after execution - what is its sense, what is its essence?
To laugh at everyone turning a look to heavens
They observe the law, but do not find expiation
Horrified, wait for the death after which the justice is done
Getting away from pleasure, accusing yourself in being unworthy
Worshiping crucifixion and icons, praying humiliating prays
Eat His flesh, drink His blood - primitive ritual
Instilling hope for the eternal life and justification
Death and sufferings of God - the inconsistent doctrine of the Trinity
It executes and expiates itself before itself
The mankind remains the same
So what is the sense of the egoistic act?
Mind blackout, loss of the creator's image
The sacrifice as a payment for the sins of mankind
Helplessly suffering on a cross before aggressive crowd
Senseless suicide or the way to rescue?
Internal contradiction of the idea of self-sacrifice
Generates doubts about the opportunity of following it
The law after execution - what is its sense, what is its essence?
To observe human fidelity to revel in fear
Of the flock intimidated to death
The law after execution - what is its sense, what is its essence?
To laugh at everyone turning a look to heavens
They observe the law, but do not find expiation
Horrified, wait for the death after which the justice is done
Getting away from pleasure, accusing yourself in being unworthy
Worshiping crucifixion and icons, praying humiliating prays
Eat His flesh, drink His blood - primitive ritual
Instilling hope for the eternal life and justification
Death and sufferings of God - the inconsistent doctrine of the Trinity
It executes and expiates itself before itself
The mankind remains the same
So what is the sense of the egoistic act?