Pond Lyrics

Hobo Rocket
  1. Whatever Happened to the Million Head Collide
  2. Xanman
  3. O Dharma
  4. Aloneaflameaflower
  5. Giant Tortoise
  6. Hobo Rocket
  7. Midnight Mass (At the Market St. Payphone)
Corridors of Blissterday
  1. Corridors of Blissterday
  2. Cattarpilla Mansion
  3. Sweet Loretta
  4. Mist in My Brain Forrest
  5. Lightning Hip
  6. Ascending
Psychedelic Mango
  1. That Is How We Came
  2. Psychedelic Mango Vision
  3. Gringolet's Drunken Baggage
  4. Sweeping My Mind Tunnel
  5. Don't Look at the Sun or You'll Go Blind
  6. Mick Manmoose
  7. Paisley Adams
  8. Bees (a) B (b) Pollen (c) Pond Loves You
Rock Collection
  1. Spokes
  2. You're Not an Astronaut
  3. Scoliosis
  4. One Day in the Future
  5. Twins
  6. You're Not a Seed
  7. Flawed
  8. My Dog Is an Astronaut, Though
  9. Forget
  10. Golden
  11. Greyhound
  12. Rebury Me
  13. Filterless
  14. [untitled]
  15. [untitled]
  16. Ugly
The Practice of Joy Before Death
  1. Sideroad
  2. Mubby's Theme
  3. Union
  4. Magnifier
  5. Patience
  6. Ol' Bluehair
  7. Sundial
  8. Glass Sparkles in Their Hair
  9. Van
  10. Happy Cow Farm Family
  11. Carpenter Ant
  12. Artificial Turf
  13. Rock Collection
  14. Gagged & Bound
  1. Young Splendor
  2. Perfect Four
  3. Gone
  4. Agatha
  5. Tree
  6. Wheel
  7. Spots
  8. Foamy
  9. Grinned
  10. Filler