
Let Me Feel the Love Lyrics

If you want a caffeine hit or lipstick l****** girlfriend,
A superstar, a big car, the day just to end.
I can make it all happen, make it better for free,
But I need to know that you love me
Let Me Feel The Love
Let Me Feel The Love
Let Me Feel The Love
Let Me Feel The Love

I'll be your bloodstained, cellophaned fetisha drug,
You wanna use me abuse me and tell me its love.
I'll be the cute little voice that keeps saying you should,
I make the good things bad and make the bad things good.
Let Me Feel The Love
Let Me Feel The Love
Let Me Feel The Love
Let Me Feel The Love

Every one of you has your vices
To deal with the desperation.
What I'm giving you is priceless,
So show me some appreciation.
Let Me Feel The Love
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