
Where the Wind Blows Forever Lyrics

There are times I can't stand this world anymore
Like a prisoner I watch the birds fly
There are times I can feel I could reach out for more
Then I lay in the grass and I stare at the sky
If I could fly away over the fields
I wouldn't stay in this place any longer
And if I could fly away over the sea
In my songs I would write how it is to be free

Where the wind blows forever
I'd try to go
Where nothing else matters anymore
that's where I belong
To the places unknown
There is my home
When I open my eyes the dream is gone
I will never be able to fly
Then I raise my head to the place that's my home
And I lay on the ground and I start to cry
(refrain solo)

And then again I can see
All this beauty around
I will stay in this world
With my feet on the ground
Like the other ones (everybody else) and I'll never be
Like a bird flying over the sea
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The World in Lucy's Eyes (1994)
Follow Catch Me The Day You Walk Away Where the Wind Blows Forever By My Side In My Dreams Lucy's Eyes The Place That I Love Stay for the Night The Man on the Boardwalk On a Christmas Day