
La gallina Lyrics


¡Suelta la gallina!
Levántate, Levántate
suelta la gallina y libérate
Con Ozomatli todo puede hacer
Échate a volar
Compa quiero medicina
Que alguien, se robo mi gallina
Dame, otra aspirina
Que nada me alivia de este dolor
¡Basta ya! De esta locura
Que me da pura calentura
Y yo no tengo la cura
Que alguien me salve de esta maldición

Pon la mano arriba
Nade de tonterías
Da me la mercancía
Que esa gallina es mía

Levántate, Levántate
Suelta la gallina y libérate
Con Ozomatli todo puede hacer
Échate a volar

Oye, ratero acanalla.
Quieto no te me vayas
Ya se, tu eres c**pable
Eso no es tuyo devuélvemelo
¡Ojo! te tengo rodeado
Traigo, machete en la mano
Arde la rabia que tengo
Un paso mas y yo pierdo el control

Pon la mano arriba
Nade de tonterías
Da me la mercancía
Que esa gallina es mía

Levántate, Levántate
Suelta la gallina y libérate
Con Ozomatli todo puede hacer
Échate a volar
¡Suelta la gallina!
El robador de gallinas
Acepto las calles
Di me mi gallina
Quite la gallina

--- English Translation ---
The rooster!

Let go of your rooster!
Lift yourself up, lift yourself up
Let go of your rooster and free yourself
With Ozomatli, you can do anything
Make yourself fly

Friend, I want medicine
Because someone took my rooster
Give me, another aspirin,
Because nothing relieves me from this pain
That's enough already! With this madness
It gives me nothing but a hot fever
And I don't have the cure
So someone save me from this d***ation

Put your hand up high
No foolishness
Give me the goods
That rooster is mine
Lift yourself up, lift yourself up
Let go of your rooster and free yourself
With Ozomatli, you can do anything
Make yourself fly

Listen, corrupted thief
Calmly, don't get away from me
I already know that you're to blame
That's not yours, return it to me
Watch Out! I have you surrounded
I have a machete in my hand
The burning rage that I have
One more time, and I'll lose control

Put your hand up high
No foolishness
Give me the goods
That rooster is mine

Lift yourself up, lift yourself up
Let go of your rooster and free yourself
With Ozomatli, you can do anything
Make yourself fly
Let go of your rooster!

Robber of roosters
Take on the streets
Give me my rooster
Remove the rooster

Lift yourself up, lift yourself up
Let go of your rooster and free yourself
With Ozomatli, you can do anything
Make yourself fly
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