
Precogni2 Lyrics

Hey and this what they call the milky way,
Hey, yo, its much bigger than what them data banks say
And that's what they call the planet earth?
It's cover in water and white clouds man, that's not what I heard
There life forms with white horns and long tails
And underwater things with strings of strong scales
The data drones dictated this spot was deserted
I heard it myself, thought it was very well worded

It wasn't confirmed though, now was it?
They got me breathing oxygen? God d*** dude, that does.
This sunlight just doesn't mix right with my chrome
It shines right through, dude, this place needs a dome!

Forget it, where here now let's**** it.
Powerthighs energize holograms tubes(?) to exhibit
It's 6 - 8 9 z 7 5 (what the fizzle?? Not really sure)
Transform and ride
With the wheels on the ground, rig(?) wobbling(?)
We're cruising through Kyoto, hit the ocean, ain't no stoppin' em
Amphibious upgrade, I heard about this place
Underwater secret base

Knock, knock, knock. Who is it?
I said the password Oh, yeah, we've been waiting for you visit
Forget the Protocol, bot, just listen
We're gonna dismiss this mission cuz it don't feel right,

This Planet's not deserted, bot, its teeming with life.
I'm not detonating nothing and we won't ignite (?)
Four bots in the back of a dank dark room
We're here for five years, bot, no matter what you do.
Intellectually .............
It's not the first time so don't think it's nothing new
Positron ......... through that cpu
We're here for five years, bot, no matter what you do

Somebody was lying, man, we gotta find the truth
Call guzzlebot (?), he be cranked up with them clues
Back on cyphertron, you the creep feeling brews (?)
We're here for five years, yo no matter what you do.

Stuck here with all these f****** lizards...

(Female Japanese voice)
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Optimus Rhyme (2004)
Intro Reboot Cybernetic Circuits Reel Estate DJ Slaylord Powder Blue Egg Hatch Incognito Ford vs. Chevy Precognito Fuzzy Dice Organix No Memory JZ75 Transform Slippery I Heart PuBotCs 3Cogni2 Precogni2