
Hsptl Lyrics

I'd forgotten that we're all the same
That our differences are all a game
That were all like the super friends
So every loser has a future win
I had fell for the okie doke
Lost my control like, "holy smokes"
(gosh darn it)
I really said worse than that
I wish I could take the curses back
I had spoke from a frequency
That was pretty low
I bet you folks would agree with me
But when I thought it was impossible
Somebody brought me to the hsptl

I kept two feet in a cup of booze
To try to stay above the blues
That color's unnatural
A result of personal subterfuge
I had the let the bottle go
Im tryin to be a role model, bro
I was such a p***-poor example then
Except for what not to do
If I had a rap check to spend
Id go buy a big rare c***atoo
I thought I was responsible
Then they brought me to the hsptl

Wherever I sit today
In front or against the wall
I can accept it all
No matter which-a way
Wherever I sit today
Ima make a m************ throne
I used to be so jealous-hearted
"how'd he get such a swell apartment?"
Look at me counting other people's fans
Instead of tryin to be a better eagleman
I even hated on my own friends
Turnin' up my nose with a clothespin
Like pee-you
In my head I had to make em wack
Luckily I came a long way from that
What kind of pal was I
Leaving all those downloaded files to die?
Now im b**pin all these tracks
And given em good honest feedback
(cause thats, thats what I would want)
Its like there was two of me
My true motivations hid beautifully
A public face and a shadowed man
A dirty ship with a clean cut capitan
Foolin all my d*** passengers
Tellin them we're still on this planet earth
Wherever I sit today
In front or against the wall
I can accept it all
No matter which-a way
Wherever I sit today
I'mma make a m************ throne

It smells like rain again
Fresh dew beads on the wet lawn
How many sundays have I seen?
How many blades of grass have I stepped on?
My old friend used to walk barefoot
Until the bottom of her feet looked silver
Close to where the shaw meets wilshire
I used to think the was a lunatic
Now when I call she asks, who is this?
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4NML HSPTL (2012)
Starz Hsptl Lesson 23 Black Clouds Universe Man Your Back Pack Past Debits (Eagle Journal) 4nml (Korzybski's Lament) The Financial Crisis That Wouldn't Go Away Bad News Brown (Gamin Journal) One Day Free-Writing Exercise Dancebill Self Medication Chant Cobra Commander