where's your self worth, Independence and pride, you got something to offer, letting time slip by, put mind and body to use, feel good about yourself, go make a living, stop being a parasite, work for progression, having positive outcomes, do something now before it's too late, get off your a**, don't be a waste of s***e
Intro 1Get Off da Nutz of da One Life NiggazWhy Can't We Get AlongSportbike AttackPure Disgust, Part 2Intro 2Intro 3Behind the DoorsIntro 4Calipso LouieIntro 5America FirstCease a**istanceCoatrackBlood Is Thicka Than WaterWaste of s***eOur Fight 1990h8Intro 6In the CrosshairsIntro 7Ebonic PlagueIntro 8Shiv in Your BackBrit-PigIntro 9PovertypimpEmo FaggariosToo Much Authority DayBy Mutha Fuckin' DayIntro 10Clean Up the CagesOn the CuffIntro 11PoolsideOne Life Drug FreeDascrillaRap 1Rap 2Final WordThe Prohibition 2000[unknown]