
My Evil Concubine Lyrics

Up from the depths she comes from the earth, I am hers to attack
Fire in the sky brings passion to my heart and surrounds me in black
With unholy hell burning in my blood I turn up my l***ful hate
To sell my soul to evil, I unlock hell's rusty gate
This Devil she wants me, she knows she can
Cuz f****** for hell is my unholy plan
I have the skill, I have desire
To f*** this wench to death with hell f****** fire
Dependant on this wench, how pitiful is my plight, I'm all alone ... the altar lamp
My sole companion burning through the night

It is for me but not everyone
To crush my blighted soul I allow this evil one
She makes me angry, she makes me sick
But when she lies with me I am satanic

The days and months speed swiftly by, too soon I shall be old, I have nothing ...
Her beauty gone, the glow of youth, shriveled, pale and cold
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