
Afterthought Lyrics

A break in the pain
A cold blurred sight
The way back home
In the quiet night
I tried to forget
To sleep keeping warm
Taking my steps
Into the unknown
I went with the flow
Forgetting your voice
In the blindness and folly
Of a faint fickle joy
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Afterthoughts (2013)
In My Fears I Miss The Ground Two Monkeys The Anger Song Encounter She Wherever You Are Paralysed Afterthought In My Fears (5.1 mix) I Miss The Ground (5.1 mix) Two Monkeys (5.1 mix) The Anger Song (5.1 mix) Encounter (5.1 mix) She (5.1 mix) Wherever You Are (5.1 mix) Paralysed (5.1 mix) Afterthought (5.1 mix) In My Fears I Miss The Ground Two Monkeys The Anger Song Encounter She Wherever You Are Paralysed Afterthought