
D-Bomb Lyrics

I can feel the hatred, I can feel the despair
-Time of degeneration
People just too numb to care
-Time of degeneration
I'm feeling sick, I'm feeling scared
-Time of degeneration
I can smell the violence in the air
-Time of degeneration
I can feel it everywhere
See it everywhere
Breathe it everywhere I go

Degeneration time bomb
Degeneration breeds
Chronic depression spreads like plague
-Time of degeneration
Jealousy, ignorance & hate
-Time of degeneration

I can feel it everywhereÂ…

Degeneration time bomb
Degeneration breeds
This is the world I'm living in
Trying to fight it, not give in
To hopelessness & despair
Trying to fight it, trying to care
More & more, faster & faster
Lost the answers, lost the way
It's up to you to stop being a f****** slave!
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Rebound for Glory (2003)
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