
Crazy Dreams and High Ideals Lyrics

High ideals and crazy dreams
High ideals and crazy dreams

Some of them use their bodies
Some of them use their minds
And our ideals will prevail
because we refuse to be
The stepping stones that pave the way
for the small minority.

Yes, our ideals will prevail
because we refuse to be
The stepping stones that pave the way
for the small minority.
And our ideals will prevail
because we refuse to be
The stepping stones that pave the way
for the small minority.

What are you trying to say
Your eyes give you away
High ideals and crazy dreams
High ideals and crazy dreams
And our ideals will prevail
because we refuse to be
The stepping stones that pave the way
for the small minority.
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The New Age Steppers (1981)
Fade Away Radial Drill State Assembly Crazy Dreams and High Ideals Abderhamane's Demise Animal Space Love Forever Private Armies
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