"Flawless slavery"
Every shooten bullet drops by a coin to the b******'s pocket.
Every novel victim makes the corrupted government richer.
We're just a tiny gears within huge severe machinery.
There are ones who run that death machine.
We can't reach them, but we are the only truth.
War is a nice job for mighties of this world.
Making stakes, they losing thousand lives of young patriots.
With b***** aftermath in mind's is laid the real reason of disorders in the whole world.
Making money by killing innocents.
For what have you come to an authority?
Taking away the most important of all to increase your bank account.
What game do you play, a*******?? Terror acts worldwide!
What game do you play, a*******?? Cruel resistance!
What game do you play, a*******?? Terror acts worldwide!
We wage war! Civil war!
What game d'you play?
You're just afraid to show yourselves to the world... Your f*****' face...
We wage war and perish not for your welfare.
Our conscience is pure for relatives.
We wage war and perish not for your welfare.
In mother's eyes we're all heroes, so you are s***!!!
Terroristic acts worldwide, cruel resistance, civil wars,
marches of disagreement, political provocations,
slogans against each others - it's just a covering!
It's just a covering...
We are your kids and you are kidmurderers!!
Every shooten bullet drops by a coin to the b******'s pocket.
Every novel victim makes the corrupted government richer.
We're just a tiny gears within huge severe machinery.
There are ones who run that death machine.
We can't reach them, but we are the only truth.
War is a nice job for mighties of this world.
Making stakes, they losing thousand lives of young patriots.
With b***** aftermath in mind's is laid the real reason of disorders in the whole world.
Making money by killing innocents.
For what have you come to an authority?
Taking away the most important of all to increase your bank account.
What game do you play, a*******?? Terror acts worldwide!
What game do you play, a*******?? Cruel resistance!
What game do you play, a*******?? Terror acts worldwide!
We wage war! Civil war!
What game d'you play?
You're just afraid to show yourselves to the world... Your f*****' face...
We wage war and perish not for your welfare.
Our conscience is pure for relatives.
We wage war and perish not for your welfare.
In mother's eyes we're all heroes, so you are s***!!!
Terroristic acts worldwide, cruel resistance, civil wars,
marches of disagreement, political provocations,
slogans against each others - it's just a covering!
It's just a covering...
We are your kids and you are kidmurderers!!