depuis toujours, le germe grandissait comme un cancer. L'institution psychiatrique, toutes les marques restées. Les causes et leurs conséquences, menées à terme. Et il a oublié qui il était. Il s'est trouvé un dieu, mais son ciel est resté vide. Il s'est fait un nom, jamais une autre vie. Il a suivi d'autres veines et ouvert sa porte aux traîtres, qui se sont chargés du reste. Eux n'ont jamais su qui il était. Il a perdu le sens et la surface, dans son enfer domestique où tout s'effondrait au ralenti. Jusqu'à ce qu'on le couvre enfin de terre et de regrets tardifs
Since always, the germ was growing in him like a cancer. The psychiatric institution, all the stains remained. Causes and consequences, completed. Then he forgot who he was. He found himself a god, but his sky stayed empty. He made himself a name, not another life. He followed new veins, and opened his doors to traitors, which took care of the rest. Those never knew who he was. He lost the direction and the surface, in his domestic hell where everything collapsed in slow motion. Until they finally covered him with earth and late regrets.
Since always, the germ was growing in him like a cancer. The psychiatric institution, all the stains remained. Causes and consequences, completed. Then he forgot who he was. He found himself a god, but his sky stayed empty. He made himself a name, not another life. He followed new veins, and opened his doors to traitors, which took care of the rest. Those never knew who he was. He lost the direction and the surface, in his domestic hell where everything collapsed in slow motion. Until they finally covered him with earth and late regrets.