
Faceless Lyrics

Wraiths of the war shadow
Lifeblood of the regime
Rumble in the revolution star
Destroyers of worlds
The faceless one
Sign with a cross

Moat of polished wood
Ink well of blood
Ghosts behind the brand
Destroyers of worlds
The left hand knows
That the right hand is reaching
Taking, raping

Moat of polished wood
Ink well of blood
The cannibal caste
Destroyers of worlds
Upon the polished wood
Gilt framed portrait
Two children smiling
In the left hand
And the right hand
Is reaching to sign with a cross
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Drudging the Mire (2011)
Processional: Drudging the Mire I, Rodent Faceless World Electric Womb The Mighty Spires Speak Berceuse - Slow Immersion