
15 Lyrics

Another morning, I look out the window pane
Is there a way to cure this pain?
Another morning, I'm staring at the sun again
And everything, everything has changed
Don't let yesterday to trip you, you say
15 years old, I am way too old, in my shoes yeah
Yet I remember what you said and done that turns me who I am

I'm trying hard to live my life my way
But in my dreams, it halts me again
Is there a friend who knew who I am today
Do you remember everything I said
15 years old, I am way too old in my shoes yeah
Yet I remember what you said and done that turns me who I am

15 years old, am I way too old in my shoes yeah
Yet I remember all the smiles that fade away
15 years old, am I way too old in my shoes yeah
Yet I remember all the smiles that fade away today
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If I Am... (2009)
背影 搖擺 如果我是陳奕迅 感動 森林 無謂再假 遇到了 尋找一千遍 Mr. Tam (Pre-Rocker One Take version) 校長の贊助篇 卓韻芝+余迪偉の打掃篇 野仔の整蠱篇 孫耀威の理髮篇 朱薫の美容篇 Swingの靈感篇 搖擺 MV 如果我是陳奕迅 MV 森林 MV Voice Mail Message + 戰禍 Everyone 想太多 假使 等不了 Mister 15 Everyone (James Holroyd remix)