
Heart's Delight Lyrics

Why the first thing I want in the morning
And the last thing I want at night
Is you baby, just you baby
Cause you're my heart's delight
The first time that you ever kissed me
And you squeezed me with all of your might
I knew baby, that you baby
Would be my heart's delight

But it ain't what you say it's the way how you say it
You say love me baby and I have to obey
Your sweet talk puts me at your command
And you rule me with the wave of your hand
That's why the first thing I want in the morning
And the last thing I want at night
Is you baby, just you baby
Cause you're my heart's delight

But it ain't what you say it's the way how you say it
You say love me baby and I have to obey
Your sweet talk puts me at your command
And you rule me with the wave of your hand
That's why the first thing I want in the morning
And the last thing I want at night
Is you baby, just you baby
Cause you're my heart's delight
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