
Coffee Party Lyrics

I'm waking up before noon
I'm not sleeping in and
My friends they have real jobs
So they're not here
I never tried to figure
Out the way that we got home
It's kind of easy
And we're passing trailer parks
And old drive-in movies

And this place sure has changed
But I feel the same
I didn't waste my life away
And my friends don't care about the things they say

We're just hanging out
In parking lots
And waiting for the day to fade
And I'm just living
On diet c**e and night shifts
And nyquil and comic books
And familiar places
And every night I wanna quit my job
And do something else but I'm not good at much
Of anything except long talks
And writing stupid songs
And this place sure has changed
But I feel the same
I didn't waste my life away
And my friends don't care about the things they say
When we met I was young
And I felt kind of dumb
But we hung out anyway
And it's easy to see and I guess it's easy to say
Thanks for sticking around I know it gets boring
Listening to us talk about video games
And these habit-forming
Conversations make good ends of days
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