
Bravely Lyrics

Do it bravely, save me from the weak and lazy
If you can't face it, don't do it at all
Do it bravely
Needless to say I'm taken quite by surprise
You let one story define your entire life
You claim what she's done, no harm to no one
As a good enough reason

Do it bravely, save me from the weak and lazy
If you can't face it, don't do it at all
Do you mind if I refill my glass of wine
It seems to solve all of your problems just fine
You take what you've done, pass it off and run
She's still holding you, though, son

Do it bravely, save me from the weak and lazy
If you can't face it, don't do it at all
I know all things and nothing at all
A foreign world spins just down the hall

Do it bravely, save me from the weak and lazy
If you can't face it, don't do it at all
Do it bravely
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Elijah Drop Your Gun (2007)
All the Same Mistakes Be Like the Man Secret Bravely 9:45 Devil's Got My Secret Fate Day by Day Stronger Run Left to God Draped in Blue