
Fair Dealer Lyrics

See them dancing through the land
Following the Dealer Man
They are laughing every one
They think they're having fun.
Dealer, Dealer Man, what have you got in your bag today?
What have you got to turn me on again?
What have you got to make me dream
The dreams I dreamed last year, the visions that I see?
I got brass, well it looks like gold
I got silver, but it's turned to rust
I got love, but it's kind of cold
I got ideals, but you can not trust them now
I got nothing that isn't second-hand
Nothing to make you dream the dreams
You dreamed when I last came to town.
See them dancing through the land
Following the Dealer Man
They are laughing every one
They think they're having fun.
Dealer, Dealer Man, You promised the blind man he would see
You promised the deaf man he would hear again
You promised the dumb man he would speak
You promised me I'd come to life and be myself at last.
I got paint, that looks like blood
I got plastic, that could be flesh
I got hate, that could pass for love
I got faith, though it's not too fresh
I got nothing you haven't seen before
So please don't bother me no more
For the hope you had when I last came to town.
See them dancing through the land
Following the Dealer Man
They are laughing every one
They-think-they are
having fun
They-think-they are
having fun
They think they're having fun.
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The New Worlds Fair (1995)
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