
Beotia Lyrics

The dawn whispers of blood today
a crimson star o'er Beotia
the fierce flames of a Roman son
shall burn forthright our chariots gold and grey.
And yet trembling beside me now
the bravest born of Beotia.
His thunderous heart resounds within
forever joined in valor by the sword.
And should rivals upon us tread
and spill our blood on Beotia
behold high o'er Chaeronea
your lover riding victorious
the fiercest flames now a fiery shield,
our steed and our chariot await...

Should death cleave unto destiny
remember us dear Beotia,
your loyal lover's Sacred Band
whose fate with courage laid
a force with which all earthly fear was stayed.
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Hide Nothing (2008)
Monarch The Slow Club Field Trip Buddy Nonchalant End of the World Beotia Walk with Me Hide and Seek Song of Stars Rivers and Tides