
Against the Walls of Fire Lyrics

Bells for those - who died as cattle
Chorused while they decayed under the cut of scythe
Harvest on fields of flesh
Cutted stalks in droves and scattered blood
There's a storm on its way!
And every day - the order reap faster!

On an enlightened path amid the dark
Black gods plough through the soil
Digging for your fiery hearts
And every day - the order plough deeper

Beating drums on different skies
Play up for the dance
Deaf, distraughted men
Stand up for the dance in chorus the anthem
One - against the walls of fire
Two - against the walls of fire
Three - against the walls of fire
Four - against the walls of fire

Out of the night that covers me
It matters not wether i'm blind
Why extinct the fire of an eye for those i shall not die
I worship this god - and reaped faster
I worship this god - and ploughed deeper
Against the walls for his glory name
I lie alone in fire

By there we sat down and wept and i have dishonored my lord
May my right hand wither but
I've dishonored this god
I can not fold anyone's hand
I can not fold anyone's hand anymore
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