
Turn Away Lyrics

Under all this ash and dust
We all look the same
Gazing into the horizon
We see a new dawn rising
Brighter than before
Now it's only a matter of time
I can hear them weeping in the night

Turn away, distance yourself
Make this whole again
Reveal to me what was
And will never be

Take flight, don't look back
Madness took them all
They're blinded by rage
Driven by hatred
You take my hand and whisper...
It's a beautiful morning...
After all this, it's still so beautiful...

In this fight there's no winners
We still look the same
As tears run down our faces, we remember...

Turn away, distance yourself
Make this whole again
Reveal to me what was
And will never be
Take flight, don't look back
Madness took them all
They're blinded by rage
Driven by hatred

Turn away, distance yourself
Make this whole again
Reveal to me what was
And will never be

Take flight, don't look back
Madness took them all
They're blinded by rage
Driven by hatred
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Sleep (2007)
Transition Killing Creatures Turn Away Under Our Command Another Failure The Circle Being Me Sleep Silent Final Journey
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