
Red, Red Wine and Cheatin' Songs Lyrics

Red, red wine and cheatin' songs

Lately this bar room's where I call my home
Somewhere, somehow, my baby went wrong
Now it's red, red wine and cheatin' songs

For ten long years, not one single drop

Twelve months later, well I haven't stopped

I'm covering the misery of a good love grown cold

And losing what's left of my mind and soul to that

Red, red wine and cheatin' songs

Lately this bar room's where I call my home
Somewhere, somehow, my baby went wrong

Now it's red, red wine and cheatin' songs

Cigarette smoke, powder and pain

Can't make up for what is and what ain't

When the truth starts to rumble and it starts to roar
Then I ask the barmaid to pour me some more of that

Red, red wine and cheatin' songs

Lately this bar room's where I call my home

Somewhere, somehow, my baby went wrong

Now it's red, red wine and cheatin' songs

Somewhere, somehow, my baby went wrong

Now it's red, red wine and cheatin' songs
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The Pilgrim (1999)
Intro (instrumental) Sometimes the Pleasure's Worth the Pain The Pilgrim (Act I) Harlan County Reasons Love Can Go to... Red, Red Wine and Cheatin' Songs Truckstop Hobo's Prayer Goin' Nowhere Fast The Observations of a Cover Intermission (instrumental) The Greatest Love of All Time The Greatest Love of All Time (reprise) (instrumental) Draggin' Around These Chains of Love The Pilgrim (Act II) Redemption The Pilgrim (Act III) Outro Mr. John Henry, Steel Driving Man (instrumental)