
Fifty Lyrics

You walk into the office and pull yourself together
For a meeting with your a-hole boss
He tells you that youre fired, but he calls it retired
He says Sorry but weve gotta cut costs
You start screaming like a fool
You trash your cubicle
And they have to call security

You see a hot girl by the curb
And you try to flirt with her
But she thinks you need help crossing the street

When youre fifty
Sometimes you drink till you pass out on the floor

Now your livers destroyed and youve got hemorrhoids
And you can barely get it up anymore

Aww cmon that only happened once! Shut up, Taylor Swift?

Youre kids think youre lame and they cant hide their shame
When youre with them in public place
And your wife can hardly stand you she always reprimands you
And your son calls you a douchebag to your face

And then youve finally had enough
You say, son you think youre tough?
You think that you can whoop your dad?

Hes says, No Id rather not.
You say, gimme your best shot.
And then he kicks you in the nads
When your 50

Hey shut up! Ill sing a verse your stupid song?
Youve got squinty little eyes, and you sound c***py live
Kanye was drunk but he wasnt wrong

And you sucked on the Grammys
[Taylor Swift starts to cry.]

Im sorry Taylor Swift. Im just going through a rough time. That was uncalled for. Youre very talented.

[She kicks him in the nuts and runs off with the b***erflies and birds]

Ahhhh! Somebody get me the hell out of this enchanted forest.
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