
Lupe the Gorilla Lyrics


Naw, so, so just listen
alright so, so what you do is
you take lupe fiasco
right. you, y- okay
(you) take lupe fiasco
you know
and en you take
the gorrilaz


you take the fiasco
on lupe fiasco
you take the fiasco off

and then you take
the Z
off, off the gorrilaz
you take, you take that off
and you drop that
and then, like you put it together
you know, put it together
you got - you made a gorrila

(ya) know what I'm sayin'
you got -
me doin' my thing

ya know what I'm sayin'
with the rappin' and stuff I know how to do

and then
you got
you got the gorrilaz
doin' their thing,
over here
with the beats
you know what I'm sayin'
you know
I- you kno-
I rhyme over that
do that; do that
you know, you made a gorrila

I - I thought it was dope
I was thinkin' it was dope

ya know what I'm sayin'
and then I was thinkin' like
you could call it
ya know

a rhymin' ape.
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