Luftwaffe Lyrics

Solipsistica Nihilisti
  1. The 36 Faces of Adam Quadmon
  2. Solipsistica Nihilisti
  3. A Terror Campaign without Higher Authority
  4. Order of Operations
  5. Dogs
  6. Nebuchadnessar Division
  7. Correcting the Human Model
  8. Satan and the Sun
  9. Fields
  10. Zain
Trephanus Uhr
  1. Constance
  2. The 36 Faces of Adam Qadmon
  3. Solipsistica Nihilist
  4. Flicker
  5. A Terror Campaign Without Higher Authority
  6. Patterns of Force
  7. Kronostory
  8. The Dead Do Not Revolt
  9. Correcting the Human Model
  10. Ascention of Indignation
  11. Nebuchadnezzar Division
  12. The 10th Avatar
  13. The Non Man
  14. The Oness
  15. Ashes
  16. Fields
  17. Kalki's Army (live)