
The Horror Within Lyrics

Lyrics: Buriez - Music: Loudblast

Trapped inside my carnal being
Cannot bridle my own feelings
Out of control, victim of mine
Godly but so dangerous
Light of truth makes me blind
Steps of inner peace I must climb

Around my soul, inside thy body
Seeds of horror grow
Self-possessed I�ll no more be
The horror within my twisted mind
I�m my own worst enemy
The one I want you to kill !

I hear no supplication for life
I am the lord of hatred
Consumed with internal violence
Unable to react against it
Schizophrenic delusion
I come under abominations
Light of truth makes me blind
Steps of inner peace I must climb

Around my soul, inside thy body
Seeds of horror grow
Self-possessed I�ll no more be
The horror within my twisted mind
I�m my own worst enemy
I want you to kill !
Around my soul, inside thy body
Seeds of horror grow
Self-possessed I�ll no more be
The horror within my twisted mind
I�m my own worst enemy
The one I want you to kill !

The horror within

(Guest vocals: Kam Lee)
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Disincarnate (1991)
Steering for Paradise After Thy Thought Dusk to Dawn Outlet for Conscience Disquieting Beliefs The Horror Within Arrive Into Death Soon Wrapped in Roses Shaped Images of Disincarnate Spirits